Lucy Ladies

POSTED December 03, 2008 BY Lorrie Sullenberger
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Lucy’s Ladies reach the summit! Lorrie Sullenberger ABC-7’s fitness expert recently led a group of Danville women to the North Peak on Mt Diablo in Mt Diablo State Park. The group had won a women’s outdoor adventure at a recent fundraiser where Isaac Mizrahi was the guest for the event. While I have given fitness donations before, sometimes women think it is something like getting the short straw. But not these gals! We started early one Sunday morning at Devils Elbow on Mt Diablo.

The trail can be a bit deceiving as it is mostly downhill as you start the trail and the sweeping vistas can take your mind off of almost anything. As the rugged single track wraps around the mountain and views of Clayton and the valleys beyond come into view you start to head up a steep fire road to the summit of North Peak. From here you feel like you are on top of the world. It really is the best part of hiking, whether your peak is a few thousand feet to tens of thousand of feet the feeling of achievement is the same. We called ourselves Lucy's Ladies as Lucy Activewear which supplies my wardrobe for ABC-7's "View From The Bay" ( also provided the best goodie bags for the day. All of the ladies loved the hats, (great fabric). We thought this just proves Lucy Activewear is not just for looking good at the grocery store! Go see at

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